
Module Six: Introduction to the Workplace Project

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of your participation in Module 6, you should be able to:

  1. Interact with your Sponsor to identify and negotiate an opportunity or issue in the workplace to investigate for your PSMP workplace project.
  2. Identify the aim and scope of your workplace project and the two key deliverables for this project.
  3. Organise and write a professionally structured persuasive draft proposal to describe your approach to and justification for your proposed project.

Welcome to Module 6 – Introduction to the Workplace Project: Preparing for effective project management

The last module in GSZ633 focuses on preparing for your transition to the final unit of the PSMP (GSZ634 Managing Operations for Outcomes) and particularly the important task of identifying a work related issue/topic that you’d like to investigate for your PSMP Workplace Project.

What is the aim of the workplace project?

The aim of the PSMP Workplace Project is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the principles learned in the Public Sector Management programme to an identified opportunity for change or improvement in your workplace.

This is a project-based learning experience in which the development of a project approach will help you, the PSMP Participant, to contribute what you have learned in the program to your organisation.  The project you choose to complete should benefit your organisation, your work team and potentially the stakeholders/staff and customers with whom you interact: i.e. there is public value in your proposition.

A set of guidelines for the workplace project, which you will complete in GSZ634 is available in the PSMP Canvas Community site in the Workplace Project Section.

Who are the key people involved in the project?

  • The Sponsor: The person in your work environment with whom you have identified a project opportunity or issue for you to investigate by means of the Workplace Project.
  • The Academic Advisor: The GSZ634 Unit Co-ordinator.
  • Project Investigator: You

What are the key documents I need for my workplace project?

  • Sponsor Brief
  • Workplace Project Proposal proforma
  • Workplace Project Student Handbook

All these documents are available in the Workplace Project Folder on the PSMP Canvas Community site.


GSZ633 Managing Outwards in a Networked Government Copyright © by Queensland University of Technology. All Rights Reserved.