
Module One: Responsive Government

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of your participation in Module 1, you should be able to:

  • Describe changes in the environment impacting the system of government.
  • Identify stakeholders and their influence on government business.
  • Identify digital trends and social media.
  • Map and expand your networks.
  • Manage outwards in complex systems.
  • Review contracts: risks and opportunities.

Welcome to Module One: Responsive Government – Towards flexible (networked, partnered and contractual) structures

Module 1 challenges you as a manager to look sideways for ‘the action’. From within your agency and across the sectors with which you work, multiple stakeholders are actively participating in the democratic system in Australia. You are both a manager and a citizen. You have a personal and professional network and your agency interacts with a wide range of stakeholders.


Think about the last time you or a member of your family interacted with government.

  • What were the circumstances?
  • What was the nature of the service interaction?
  • Were your/their needs met? What was the role of government



GSZ633 Managing Outwards in a Networked Government Copyright © by Queensland University of Technology. All Rights Reserved.