
TOPIC 4.11: Policy Cases – for consideration

The following policy cases reflect challenges of digital engagement, social policy, government regulation and cyber security amongst other matters.

Case Study 1 – The Share Economy

Sharing economy service companies such as Uber and AirBNB have grown in the last 10 years. Platforms that match consumers and service providers have enabled the share economy to flourish.


Apte, U. M., & Davis, M. M. (2019). Sharing economy services: Business model generation. California Management Review, 61(2), 104–131

Griffith, E. (2020, august 2). Airbnb, “sharing economy” pioneer, moves toward a public offering. The New York Times

Sharing economy: It was a good idea while it lasted: Tech observed. (2023, Oct 10). The Australian Financial Review.


Case Study 2 – National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

In Australia, State and Territory governments have jurisdictional or agency specific approaches to Artificial Intelligence strategy.


OECD. (2023). Artificial intelligence. OECD. https://www.oecd.org/digital/artificial-intelligence/

Department of Industry, Science and Resources. (2023). Artificial intelligence. Australian Government. https://www.industry.gov.au/science-technology-and-innovation/technology/artificial-intelligence

MySecTV (2021, April 20). Call for funded National AI Strategy[Video]. YouTube.


Case Study 3 – First Nations people matter

In 2023 First Nations policy matters have captured national attention. Cultural heritage legislation and constitutional change parameters have been the subject of parliamentary inquiries and a national referendum.


Choose EITHER of the following subject areas


Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia. (2021). A Way Forward: Final report into the destruction of Indigenous heritage sites at Juukan Gorge. Australian Government.
(Read the Introduction and Recommendations at a minimum)

Cook, R., Buti, T., & Quigley, J. (2023, August 8). Laws overturned: Aboriginal cultural heritage legislation replaced | Western Australian Government. Government of Western Australia.


McKay, D. (2017, June 17). Uluru Statement: a quick guide. Australian Government.

ABC News. (2023, October 30). Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum Results. ABC News.

Kelly, P. (2023. October 20). The Indigenous voice to parliament vote revealed Australia is two distinct nations. The Australian (Online).

Case Study 4 – Workforce strategy post Covid 19 – innovation and 4 day working week

The post-pandemic workforce is undergoing change. Current interest in a 4 day working week will influence workforce policy.


4 Day Week. (n.d.). 4 Day Work Week in Australia. https://4dayweek.io/country/australia

Broom, D. (2023, October 25). These are the surprising benefits of a four-day working week. World Economic Forum.

Case Study 5 – Energy Policy

Australia has had a difficult and convoluted relationship with energy policy, owing largely to its abundance of natural resources in terms of mining minerals, coal and gas and the various interests involved in its extraction. But this hasn’t always been to the benefit of lower energy prices for Australian consumers and manufacturers.

Consider Australia’s gas market and exports. How has this changed in recent times to respond to calls to balance sovereignty with export revenue?



Tancredi, H. (2022, March 18). Solutions for an uncertain future: Australia’s evolving gas network. Energy Magazine.


Department of Industry. (n.d.). Domestic gas supply. Australian Government. https://www.industry.gov.au/mining-oil-and-gas/oil-and-gas/securing-australian-domestic-gas-supply


Case Study 6 – Royal Commissions – a policy instrument?

In recent years, Royal Commissions (RC) have been used to investigate, report on and recommend changes to policy and practice in significant areas of government business.

It may be argued that a Royal Commission (with terms of reference, duration, structure, stakeholder engagement, outcomes) can drive policy development and government business improvement.



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