
TOPIC 6.5: Writing your Workplace Project Report

You are encouraged to use these headings in your Workplace Project Report:

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Scope
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Analysis
  • Limitations
  • Recommendations
  • Objectives
  • Strategies
  • Conclusion

Writing your report will help you to get a clearer vision of the challenges facing your organisation in your project and what can be done to address them.

We suggest you take these steps:


Use your Proposal to provide the first few sections of your report (Introduction, Background, Objectives, Scope and Methodology). You may need to change the working from future tense to past tense.


Edit the Methodology section to reflect what you actually did to collect the data. For example, you will report the exact number of interviews completed.  Describe fully how you implemented your supplemental method(s).


Add the Results section. You should report results for the interviews separately from the other methods you used.  When reporting the results from a qualitative study, remember to include a representative quote for each Stakeholder Group, e.g. Users. Include the tables you used to analyse your results.  When you use a table, you first need to introduce the table in the text by explaining what is in the table.  Then after you show the table, you need to explain to the reader what you want them to understand from the table.


Describe the limitations of the study.


Write the Recommendations section describing the objectives and strategies you recommend and giving the justification for each if not previously addressed.


Write the Conclusion section to address the problem or opportunity identified by you and your Sponsor. The Conclusion should answer the questions raised by the objectives of your Report, as written in your Proposal.  You may also want to mention if there were any major differences of perspective between the major groups studied.  The Conclusion should also refer back to the motivation of the report and explain how your report can help your organisation.


Write the Executive Summary to overview the whole project and summarise the whole report. This should include one sentence to one paragraph for each topic:  Motivation, Opportunity, Objectives, Scope, Methodology, Results, Limitations, Recommendations and Conclusion. The Executive Summary should be no more than one page.

What you need to do next

  1. If you have not done so already, you need to come up with some ideas for your project and discuss them with your Workplace Sponsor.  Come to a decision about what you want to investigate prior to attending the workshop of the final unit, GSZ634 Managing Operations for Outcomes. You may consult with your Unit Co-ordinator for GSZ634 who you will be able to contact once the unit site is open.
  2. Ensure before this consultation that you have met with your sponsor to discuss your idea and that you are clear on how you wish to use the consultation time.
  3. Submit your draft proposal for your workplace project through the GSZ634 unit site under Assessment 1A.


You need to complete and submit Assessment 2 for GSZ633. It could provide you with an idea you’d like to investigate further for your PSMP Workplace Project.

Congratulations on getting this far in the course.  Enjoy your next and final step of the PSMP journey – GSZ634 Managing Operations for Outcomes.


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