
TOPIC 2.6: Public Participation Spectrum

It is important to design and plan consultation processes ‘fit for purpose’. The methods you select for consultation should lead to the outcomes you’re seeking. It is poor practice to mix your methods and your motives.  If you do, the result will be mixed messages and a loss of faith by participants in the consultation or engagement process.

The Australian Government is attempting to restore public confidence in government by adopting the Open Government Framework: a design thinking approach to public consultation, stakeholder engagement and innovation in public service.

Required Activity
10 mins

IAP2. (2018). IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation. International Association for Public Participation.

The International Association for Public Participation (IAP2.org) supports people who implement or participate in public decision-making processes. The IAP2 public participation spectrum, developed by the International Association for Public Participation, identifies increasing levels of public impact.

Review the “Spectrum of Participation” and consider the way the following tools could be used to support.

Fact sheets


Open houses

Public comment

Focus groups


Public meetings


Deliberate polling

Citizen advisory committees


Participatory decision-making

Citizen juries


Delegated decisions

Required Reading
20 min
Please have a look at the Open Government Partnership website on the link below, and consider what aspects are relevant to your agency’s work now.

40 mins

Imagine you were planning a consultation brief to engage a range of stakeholders.

Think about your purpose:

  • Why are you engaging these stakeholders
  • What do you hope to achieve?
  • What do you consider to be in-scope and out of scope?
  • What are the questions you’re asking or the problem you’re trying to solve?

The next activity may give you an idea for your first assignment. The task of preparing and planning a consultation brief to manage a relationship with a stakeholder could assist you to identify and then analyse a stakeholder relationship.

Planning a Consultation Brief

Prepare a two page consultation brief – consider:

  • Scope/terms of reference/purpose
  • Questions
  • Stakeholders
  • Methods
  • Issues/risks
  • Data


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