
Module Two: Understanding Others

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of your participation in Module 2, you should be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of leveraging diversity within the context of work.
  2. Describe the core elements of Emotional Intelligence and mindfulness.
  3. Explore the importance of psychological safety in creating a high-performance team environment.
  4. Identify personal development goals that will strengthen your impact as a leader and manager.
  5. Explore the opportunities and challenges associated with leading geographically dispersed teams.

Understanding ourselves (Module 1) is an essential prerequisite to understanding and working effectively with others. So, in this module we’ll broaden the application of many of the principles and issues discussed in Module 1 to see how differences in behaviour, perspective, background, strengths and preferences influence the ways in which people work together. Importantly, we’ll be considering what we can learn from this to make our own management, communication and leadership efforts more successful and sustainable.

The diversity that exists within groups of people – whether the differences are cultural, psychological or technical – reminds us that when we work together we are working with and are part of many systems. Understanding and harnessing the resources of these human systems is an increasingly important part of being a successful manager and leader. ‘Systems thinking’ was popularised by Peter Senge who described it as a “discipline for seeing wholes” (Senge, 2006:68)[1].

Systems thinking is a natural expectation we have of leaders and managers – particularly as they navigate complex work environments. It’s about thinking from a broader perspective: laterally, vertically and horizontally; internally and externally; about structures, relationships, connections, and processes. Systems thinking requires that we are open to and seeking continuous feedback from data, from people and from the environment; and that we are constantly curious about the expected and unexpected things emerging in our world. So in this module we will focus on the human systems we work with formally and informally. We will look at:

  • Understanding others’ behavioural differences and group diversity
  • Principles of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to engage effectively with others
  • Culture and conflict in groups
  • Harnessing group strengths
  • Working with virtual teams and work contexts

  1. Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline : the art and practice of the learning organization (Rev and updated, ed.). Random House Business.


GSZ632 Managing Self and Others Copyright © by Queensland University of Technology. All Rights Reserved.