Topic 1.5: Planning for Self Development

The work you’ve done in this first module should provide some good foundations for your first assessment, as well as for our in-class discussions. For now, complete your readings (below) with your first assessment in mind.

Required Reading
20 mins

This report by Deloitte consulting provides some thought-provoking insights into the future of work. You don’t need to read through the whole document, but at least read the executive summary and note the forecasted trends and requirements of the emerging workplace (remembering that the COVID-19 experience of 2020-21 probably sped up a number of aspects of the forecasted changes).

How do these insights influence your thinking about your own development, growth and future plans?

Rumbens, D. & Hillard, R. (2019). The path to prosperity: why the future of work is human. Deloitte. Insights: Building the Lucky Country (7).
Required Reading
30 min

James Kouzes and Barry Posner are well-regarded names in the world of leadership, business school professors and authors of the classic text The Leadership Challenge. In their book Credibility they devote a chapter to a topic that has been central to this module of learning: self discovery as a foundation for developing ourselves and leading others.

Kouzes, J. M. and Posner, B. (2011). Credibility: how leaders gain and lose it: why people demand it (pp.42 – 61). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.



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