
Module Six: Innovative Government and Reform

TOPIC 6.7: The public sector reform agenda: a recap

In the earlier modules we have explored the changing public sector of recent decades.

These major reforms can be summarised as:

  • the impacts of the internet and new digital technologies on service delivery
  • more third-party delivery of traditional public services via privatisation, outsourcing and partnerships
  • an accompanying reduction in the size of the public sector
  • a more responsive/more politicised public service, reinforced by the abolition of tenure and establishment of contracts at senior levels
  • the growth of alternative sources of advice to governments (e.g. ministerial offices, think tanks, lobby groups, consulting firms, donors) – the public service has less of a monopoly in advising government
  • the widespread adoption of ‘managerialist’ practices (strategic planning, budget reforms, KPIs) and a preference for generalist management skills at the expense of technical/specialist skills
  • a focus on improved “customer service” and “customer experience”
  • a more diverse public sector
  • declining trust in government and the public service.

The public service of the future?

Are these trends  listed below recognisable in your agency and how are they shaping the role and effectiveness of your agency?

The future of the Public Service:

  • more digital government and big data?
  • more integrated service delivery – within and across levels of government?
  • individualised service delivery (the Spotify and Netflix model)?
  • more mobile and flexible work (the Hollywood model)?
  • automation of work?
  • (genuine) citizen and community engagement (co-design, deliberative democracy)?
  • increased accountability and transparency (anti-corruption bodies; evaluation)?
  • rejuvenation of policy expertise?
  • increased diversity at senior levels (indigenous and CALD communities)?
Small Group Activity

What have been the major changes (‘reforms’) to the public sector in recent decades? How are they impacting your agency and professional life?

What are the political, economic, environmental, social and technological factors (PEESTs) that will shape the future public service over the next ten years?

What does this future mean for APS skill requirements and your own professional development?

Preparation for Assignment Two

Assignment dates come around quickly so ensure you remind yourself of the requirements for the assignment to focus your reading. The topics are either ‘federalism’ or ‘globalisation’?

Ensure, also, that you look at the Assessment Rubric to inform your writing and thinking. If you are struggling to form a coherent argument, use a friend as a sounding board while you make a verbal argument about your topic. All the best!



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